The HTML <data> Tag is employed to supply a code version of its own contents. It displays the info in a special format. it’s helpful within the case wherever your knowledge has to be during a sure format as a result of it should be processed by a script, however, this won’t be the format that you need your users to check.

Let’s take a situation to grasp it well:

Suppose you have got to represent some numbers to your users with letters (i.e. 1, 2, 3, and then on) however you have got a script that kinds the numbers in ascending or descendent orders. therefore your script wants numbers during a format like 1, 2, 3… etc.

The <data> Tag is here to resolve your problem.

For the users: Write inside the <data>…. </data> Tag.

For the script: Use worth attribute.



HTML Data Tag


<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
		HTML data Tag

	<h1>HTML Data Tag Example</h1>
<li><data value="01">HTML tutorial</data></li>  
<li><data value="02">Java Tutorial</data></li>  
<li><data value="03">C tutorial</data></li>  
<li><data value="04">WordPress tutorial</data></li>  
<li><data value="05">Bootstrap tutorial</data></li>  
<li><data value="05">JavaScript tutorial</data></li>  


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