(Not Supported in HTML5)
HTML <basefont> Tag was wont to specify the default value of font-size, color, and font-family for all content written within an HTML document.
Note:- The <basefont> was deprecated in HTML 4 and completely far away from HTML5 so don’t use this tag, rather than you’ll use CSS to style the document.
In HTML the closing tag <basefont> isn’t required but in XHTML the top tag is required.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Basefont tag</title>
<basefont color="blue" size="5" face="arial">
<h2>Example of Basefont tag</h2>
<p>The basefornt tag is not supported in HTML5 use CSS to style the document</p>
Example of Basefont tag
The basefornt tag is not supported in HTML5 use CSS to style the document