Today we have learned how to create a directory of CodeIgniter Framework. I will try to understand as soon as all the folders are used. If you want to develop the application successfully, you must understand the file structure and directory structure in the CodeIgniter. So you get leverage to grow your business faster.
Table of Contents
We will look at the Folder, file and Directory Structure of the CodeIgniter Framework.
Understand File Structure in CodeIgniter
Let us now look at the above files in the folder format of the CodeIgniter framework:
The CodeIgniter file structure is mainly divided into three parts: follows so you will come up with an idea.
- App
- System
- Writable
App (application)-
The Applications folder is a very important folder for us where you can develop your application. This application folder contains a config folder, modules folder, controller folder, view folder, database folder, filters folder, helpers folder, language folder, libraries folder, and third party folder. And in this, all the files of your project are also under the application folder.
views – It contains all of your markup language files. Controller load file from reading and so offers the output.
Writable ( User guide )
This is your client manual for CodeIgniter. It is essentially, the disconnected rendition of the client guide on the CodeIgniter site. Utilizing this, one can become familiar with the elements of different libraries, partners, and classes. It is prescribed to go through this client guide before building your first web application in CodeIgniter.
Adjacent to these three organizers, there is one more significant record named “index.php”. In this document, we can set the application climate and blunder level and we can characterize the framework and application organizer name. It is suggested not to alter these settings because you need more information about the thing you will do.
How to Remove Public From URL In CodeIgniter Framework?
Open your public folder and copy and paste the outer core by copying the .htaccess and index.php file. Now refresh the URL again. How to fix the error? If you open your index file $pathsConfig = FCPATH . ‘../app/Config/Paths.php’; Instead of $pathsConfig = FCPATH . ‘app/Config/Paths.php’; Leave this so that no error occurs and now your index.php page will run.
Before URL
After URL