HTML < i > Tag
The use of HTML < i > Tags works to differentiate part of the text from the surrounding text. The content inside the < i > Tag usually appears in italic type on the browser. It can be useful to represent some technical terms, phrases, fictional character ideas, etc.
HTML < i > Tag is used to specifying primer in alternate sounds or moods, or otherwise negative by plain prose.
Prototypes, where < i > Tags are good, may include a league designation, a specialized term, a phrase from another language, a transliteration, an idea, or the name of a keel in Western primers.
The original marker is written like this You can use the global class note to identify why the element is being used ( elective).
Proper Use
Note that some authors use the <i tag while other markers may be more appropriate. There are currently some cases where other markers/answers are more fittings < i > which should not be used to manually mark diagonally (this was in a previous display of HTML but not in HTML5). The style field should be used to dub the manual. To dub the manual crossways, you should use the CSS root-style property.
< i > Tag Manual marking with stress should not be used. To do a manual invoice with stress relief, you should use a <em> Tag.
< i > Tag It should not be used to mark manuals with greater importance. To do this, you should use a <strong> Tag.
Also, < i > Tag words should not be used to mark defined patterns (i.e. when defining a word). To do this, use <dfn> Tag.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>i tag</title>
<style type="text/css">
p i{
font-weight: bold;
<h1> This IS < i > Tag Example</h1>
<p><i>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,</i> consectetur adipisicing elit,<br> sed do eiusmodtempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. <br> Ut enim ad minim veniam,</p>