
CSS Full Form?

CSS Full Form Name is Cascading Style Sheets.

CSS Filename is Cascading Style Sheets…!

CSS stands for Cascading vogue Sheets. It describes however hypertext markup language parts ought to be displayed on the screen. it’s a robust tool for net designers to vary the planning and management over web content that however it ought to be displayed. it’s supported by all browsers and is intended primarily to separate the document content from document presentation.

It was developed by W3C (World Wide net Consortium) in 1996. The term cascading in CSS implies the actual fact that you simply will apply multiple vogue sheets to one online page. Extension accustomed save CSS files is “.css”.

CSS is that the language for describing the presentation of web content, as well as colors, layout, and fonts. It permits one to adapt the presentation to different types of devices, like massive screens, tiny screens, or printers. CSS is freelance of hypertext markup language and might be used with any XML-based nomenclature.

The separation of hypertext markup language from CSS makes it easier to take care of sites, share vogue sheets across pages, and tailor pages to totally different environments. this is often mentioned because of the separation of structure (or: content) from the presentation.

Why Use CSS?

  1. CSS is employed to outline designs for your web content, as well as the planning, layout, and variations in the show for various devices and screen sizes.
  2. CSS is that the signifier of “Cascading vogue Sheets”.
  3. CSS could be a machine language for egg-laying out and structuring web content (HTML or XML).
  4. This language contains writing parts and consists of those “cascading vogue sheets” that area unit equally referred to as CSS files (.css).
  5. Difference Between the three kinds of CSS Styles: Inline, External, and Internal.

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