HTML <frame> Tag
HTML <frame> Tag (Not supported in hypertext mark-up language 5).
HTML <frame> Tag outline the actual space among associate degree hypertext mark-up language file wherever another hypertext mark-up language online page will be displayed.
A <frame> Tag is employed with <frameset> , and it divides a webpage into multiple sections or frames, and every frame will contain totally different web content.
Note:- don’t use hypertext mark-up language <frame> Tag because it isn’t supported in HTML5, instead you’ll be able to use <iframe> or <div> with CSS to attain similar effects in hypertext mark-up language.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Frame tag</title>
<frameset cols="33.3%,33.3%,33.3%">
<frame src=""></frame>
<frame src=""> </frame>
<frame src=""> </frame>
HTML 4 used the <frame> Tag to define a specific window (frame) within <frameset>. Now instead of HTML5 this support is used we will use <iframe>.
What to Use Instead?
So let’s use <iframe> Tag instead.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>iframe tag</title>
<h1>HTML iframe Tag Example</h1>
<iframe src="" width="500px" height="800px"></iframe>
HTML <frameset> Tag
HTML <frameset> Tag (Not supported in hypertext mark-up language 5).
HTML <frameset> Tag is employed to contain the cluster of frames which may be controlled and titled as a unit. The <frameset> Tag conjointly specifies the amount of rows and columns within the frameset, and the way abundant area they’re going to occupy during a frame.
Note:- don’t use hypertext mark-up language <framese> Tag because it is deprecated and not supported by HTML5, however you’ll be able to use <iframe> Tag instead.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>frameset tag</title>
<frameset cols="50%,50%">
<frame src=""> </frame>
<frame src=""> </frame>