To create an infinite scrolling and “Load More” button in WordPress blog list pages using the Catch Infinite Scroll plugin, you can follow these steps:
Install and activate the “Catch Infinite Scroll” plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory.
To install and activate the “Catch Infinite Scroll” plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory, follow these steps:
- Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Navigate to “Plugins” > “Add New” in the left sidebar menu.
- In the search field located on the top right, type “Catch Infinite Scroll” and press Enter.
- The search results will display various plugins. Look for the “Catch Infinite Scroll” plugin by Catch Plugins.
- Once you find the plugin, click the “Install Now” button next to it.
- WordPress will now download and install the plugin. After the installation is complete, the “Install Now” button will change to “Activate.” Click on the “Activate” button to activate the plugin.
- The “Catch Infinite Scroll” plugin is now installed and activated on your WordPress website.
You can access the plugin settings by going to “Settings” > “Infinite Scroll” in your WordPress admin dashboard. From there, you can configure the plugin options and customize the behavior of the infinite scrolling and “Load More” button functionality on your blog list pages.
Catch Infinite Scroll
After activation, go to your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to “Settings” > “Infinite Scroll” to configure the plugin’s settings.
Save the changes.
Now, when you visit your blog list page, you should see the infinite scrolling feature enabled. As users scroll to the bottom of the page, more blog posts will be loaded automatically. If you prefer to use a “Load More” button instead of automatic scrolling, you can switch to that option in the plugin settings.
Infinite Scrolling
Load More Button